Materials needed for assembly: drawer sides, drawer bottom, wood glue, and a mallet

1 Lay Out Your Pieces:

  • Organize all components of the drawer box before starting.

2 Apply Glue to the Front:

  • Take the front piece and apply a small drop of wood glue to one set of dovetail pockets.
  • Remember: Less is more! Too much glue can create a mess that needs sanding after it dries.

3 Attach the First Side:

  • Choose one of the sides and insert the front with the glue into it.
  • Lightly tap the two pieces together using a mallet (avoid using a regular hammer to prevent damage).

4 Glue the Back:

  • Apply glue to one set of dovetail pockets on the back, similar to the front.
  • Tap the back into the side.

5 Insert the Bottom:

  • Place the drawer box bottom into the groove on the inside of the drawer.

6 Attach the Last Side:

  • Apply a small dab of glue to each remaining dovetail pocket on the front and back pieces.
  • Lightly tap the last side into the front and back.

7 Check for Squareness:

  • Use an engineer square to check each corner for squareness.
  • If gaps exist, gently push the corner until both sides touch the square.

8 Optional Wood Putty:

  • If desired, apply wood putty to each joint according to the manufacturer’s instructions and let it dry.

9 Final Sanding:

  • Once fully assembled, sand the dovetail joints to remove excess glue (and putty, if used) for a smooth finish.